Advanced Batch Image Converter

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Format notes

  • Lossless compression for JPEG-2000 (JP2): ABIC uses the OpenJPEG library (see this page) for compression and decompression of JPEG-2000 images. The other well-known open source JPEG-2000 codec, jasper, is not able to losslessly compress and decompress 16-bit images. Please keep that in mind when using images created with ABIC with other software.
  • TIFF compressions: ABIC allows to generate LZMA compressed TIFFs. This format is marked "experimental" by the TIFF authors. Most other software will not be able to read such files. Also JPG-compressed TIFFs are not supported by most other software. ABIC in turn does not support 12-bit JPEGs embedded in TIFFs.
  • WebP files can be compressed either losslessly or lossy. The lossy compression can be defined with a quality value, similar to JPEG. But for WebP there are two more compression schemes: Quality-based (PSNR) and Ratio (resulting file size). Both schemes in fact only iteratively estimate the quality value to reach the target value of PSNR or ratio. To reach the target value more accurately, increase the "passes" (iterations) value.
  • The support for vector graphics formats MVG and SVG is limited: They can only be read, not written; drawing text depends on the availability of fonts; complex SVG files are rendered incorrectly.

The following table shows the capabilities of the 5 main image file formats supported by ABIC:

Lossy Lossless 16-bit capable

JP2 (JPEG-2000) X X X
WebP X X

Supported formats

The following table shows all image file formats that ABIC can read and/or write. Some of the formats in this list are duplicates, some are obsolete.

The formats EMF and WMFWIN32 are only supported on Windows.

The column "R" indicates whether ABIC can read this file format, the column W indicates whether ABIC can write this format.

Name R W Description
8BIM Y N Photoshop resource format
8BIMTEXT Y N Photoshop resource text format
8BIMWTEXT Y N Photoshop resource wide text format
APP1 Y N Raw application information
APP1JPEG Y N Raw JPEG binary data
ART Y Y PFS: 1st Publisher
AVS Y Y AVS X image
BIE Y Y Joint Bi-level Image experts Group interchange format
BIGTIFF Y Y Tagged Image File Format (64-bit offsets)
BMP Y Y Microsoft Windows bitmap image
BMP2 N Y Microsoft Windows bitmap image v2
BMP3 N Y Microsoft Windows bitmap image v3
CALS Y Y Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support Type 1 image
CIN Y Y Cineon Image File
CMYK N Y Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, and black samples
CMYKA N Y Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and opacity samples
CUR Y N Microsoft Cursor Icon
DCM Y N Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine image
DCX Y Y ZSoft IBM PC multi-page Paintbrush
DPX Y Y SMPTE 268M-2003 (DPX 2.0)
EMF Y N Windows WIN32 API rendered Enhanced Meta File
EPDF N Y Encapsulated Portable Document Format
EPI N Y Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
EPS N Y Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
EPS2 N Y Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript
EPS3 N Y Adobe Level III Encapsulated PostScript
EPSF N Y Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
EPSI N Y Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
EPT N Y Adobe Encapsulated PostScript with MS-DOS TIFF preview
EPT2 N Y Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript with MS-DOS TIFF preview
EPT3 N Y Adobe Level III Encapsulated PostScript with MS-DOS TIFF preview
EXIF Y N Exif digital camera binary data
FAX Y Y Group 3 FAX (Not TIFF Group3 FAX!)
FITS Y Y Flexible Image Transport System
GIF Y Y CompuServe graphics interchange format
GIF87 Y Y CompuServe graphics interchange format
GRAY N Y Raw gray samples
HISTOGRAM N Y Histogram of the image
HRZ Y N HRZ: Slow scan TV
HTML N Y Hypertext Markup Language and a client-side image map
ICB Y Y Truevision Targa image
ICC Y N ICC Color Profile
ICM Y N ICC Color Profile
ICO Y N Microsoft Icon
ICON Y N Microsoft Icon
ILBM Y N Interleaved bitmap (Amiga IFF image file format)
IMAGE Y N GraphicsMagick Embedded Image
INFO N Y Image descriptive information and statistics
IPTC Y N IPTC Newsphoto
IPTCTEXT Y N IPTC Newsphoto text format
IPTCWTEXT Y N IPTC Newsphoto text format
J2C N Y JPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax
J2K Y Y JPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax
JBG Y Y Joint Bi-level Image experts Group interchange format
JBIG Y Y Joint Bi-level Image experts Group interchange format
JNG Y Y JPEG Network Graphics
JNX Y N JNX: Garmin tile storage format
JP2 Y Y JPEG-2000 File Format Syntax
JPC Y Y JPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax
JPEG Y Y Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format
JPG Y Y Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format
MAC Y N Mac Paint
MAP N Y Colormap intensities and indices
MAT Y Y MATLAB Level 5.0-7.0 image formats
MIFF Y Y Magick Image File Format
MNG Y Y Multiple-image Network Graphics
MONO N Y Bi-level bitmap in least-significant-byte first order
MPC Y Y Magick Persistent Cache image format
MTV Y Y MTV Raytracing image format
MVG Y N Magick Vector Graphics
OTB Y Y On-the-air bitmap
P7 N Y Xv thumbnail format
PAL N Y 16bit/pixel interleaved YUV
PALM Y Y Palm pixmap
PAM Y Y Portable Arbitrary Map format
PBM Y Y Portable bitmap format (black/white)
PCD Y Y Photo CD
PCL N Y Page Control Language
PCT Y Y Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT
PCX Y Y ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush
PDB Y Y Palm Database ImageViewer Format
PDF N Y Portable Document Format
PGM Y Y Portable graymap format (gray scale)
PICON Y Y Personal Icon
PICT Y Y Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT
PIX Y N Alias/Wavefront RLE image format
PNG Y Y Portable Network Graphics
PNG00 Y Y PNG that inherits type and depth from original
PNG24 Y Y 24-bit RGB PNG, opaque only
PNG32 Y Y 32-bit RGBA PNG, semitransparency OK
PNG48 Y Y opaque or binary transparent 48-bit RGB
PNG64 Y Y opaque or transparent 64-bit RGBA
PNG8 Y Y 8-bit indexed PNG, binary transparency only
PNM Y Y Portable anymap
PPM Y Y Portable pixmap format (color)
PS N Y Adobe PostScript
PS2 N Y Adobe Level II PostScript
PS3 N Y Adobe Level III PostScript
PSD Y Y Adobe Photoshop bitmap
PTIF Y Y Pyramid encoded TIFF
PWP Y N Seattle Film Works
RAS Y Y SUN Rasterfile
RGB N Y Raw red, green, and blue samples
RGBA N Y Raw red, green, blue, and matte samples
RLA Y N Alias/Wavefront image
RLE Y N Utah Run length encoded image
SCT Y N Scitex HandShake
SFW Y N Seattle Film Works
SGI Y Y Irix RGB image
SHTML N Y Hypertext Markup Language and a client-side image map
SUN Y Y SUN Rasterfile
SVG Y N Scalable Vector Graphics
TGA Y Y Truevision Targa image
TIFF Y Y Tagged Image File Format
UYVY N Y 16bit/pixel interleaved YUV
VDA Y Y Truevision Targa image
VICAR Y Y VICAR rasterfile format
VID N Y Visual Image Directory
VIFF Y Y Khoros Visualization image
VST Y Y Truevision Targa image
WBMP Y Y Wireless Bitmap (level 0) image
WEBP Y Y WebP Image Format
WMFWIN32 Y N Windows WIN32 API rendered Meta File
WPG Y N Word Perfect Graphics
XBM Y Y X Windows system bitmap (black/white)
XCF Y N GIMP image
XMP Y N Adobe XML metadata
XPM Y Y X Windows system pixmap (color)
XV Y Y Khoros Visualization image
YUV N Y CCIR 601 4:1:1 or 4:2:2 (8-bit only)